¿Cómo actualizo la información de pago de mi cuenta para el servicio de Pago automático?

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Important: Beginning in January 2024, SCE will be rolling out a new and improved My Account experience. Customers will be upgraded to the new dashboard based on their account type. Our Help Center articles now provide instructions for both experiences. 

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Manage Your Auto Pay Settings in My Account

  1. Log In to SCE Account. 
  2. Scroll to the Settings section towards the bottom of your account dashboard. 
  3. Under Auto Pay, click “Edit Payment Method” and follow the remaining steps above.

Puedes administrar tus ajustes de Pago automático en Mi cuenta

Sigue estos pasos si necesitas editar la información de pago para el servicio de Pago automático:

3. Selecciona "Administrar ajustes de Pago automático".

4. Actualiza o agrega tu nuevo método de pago

5. Update or add your new payment method

Please note that if you have multiple Customer Account Numbers, you’ll have a slightly different experience and will be able to customize your Auto Pay settings for each individual Customer Account Number.

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